My Journey to Better Health
Who Am I Being?March 30, 2022
I asked my Mindset Coach yesterday, will there ever be a time when there isn’t so much change. When I already know the answer. The one thing we can count on is change. Change can happen in and out of our control. I have been choosing to make some changes in my life. In the past, I spent a lot of time avoiding, working hard to find ways to avoid changes that would have made my life a little better. We’ve all been there, we get lazy and do not putting things away when we are done using said things and overbuying to the point that you do not even have the space to keep purchases in your home space or as simply as letting laundry and dishes pile up so they are such a huge chore instead of the 5 minutes it takes to periodically deal with the matter.
I’ve been working on my mindset for several months now with a Coach because if I do not change my mindset I will live the rest of my days with things are are more difficult than it needs to be. I’m learning how to create habits that are serving me and how to stack habits onto good habits to improve life. I’m learning to think about the outcome of my actions in the moment. Is it easier to do something now, even though I may not want to do it, or wait until it is a mountain and then avoid to the point of overwhelm.
I am doing major head work and it isn’t easy.
In addition, the ability to join the Virta Health program through my work became an option and so I am also working on my medical health issues and I am liking the program. It also is not super easy. There are lots of pieces to the program that I was familiar with and they have put a twist on those items, so it is also something I am thinking about regularly. Virta Health is a program that promotes the reversal of Diabetes and helps pre diabetics prevent Diabetes. It is scientifically based and so adjusting is a little harder than when I have worked with similar programs.
I am on a path and I am excited to see where it leads. Maybe your on a similar life journey or thinking about it. I encourage you to take the steps.
In about six months, I’ve got more space and clarity, I’ve learned how to close loops, I’ve seen the proof of my progress and even though some days I still want what I want right now I’m learning to ask “Who Am I Being?” One minute, hour, day at a time.
Thank YOU for stopping by to check out my latest journal entry and feel free to leave me a comment, I’d love to hear from you.
March 6, 2022
When I was a little girl, I remember learning a church song “Johnny Appleseed”. It goes like this…
Oh the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord! For giving me the things I need, the sun, the rain and the appleseed, the Lord is good to me. Johnny Appleseed, Amen.
As a child of God I have been so blessed. Thank you Lord! And, even though I have been given so much, I didn’t give as good as I received always. I took a lot of things for granted or I at least thought I could figure somethings out later. Like, taking care of myself.
In March 2020, when it seemed everything was shutting down and working from home, work was even more in demand, trying to help clients and because I was home and alone with my thoughts, I began to wonder about lots of things, as I’m sure we all did.
I’ve always been interested in things that can improve me, like taking a class and studying the bible. I did all of the above over the last couple years and although I could be successful at lots of these things, it never really stuck.
This is a place for me to journal about making positive changes that will become a part of who I am being. I don’t have a plan for how often I will come in here and post, please feel free to pop in and see what’s new. Maybe even comment and tell me about your journey to better health. I look forward to what the future holds.
Today happens to be my first official day in the Virta Health program. What’s that? You’ll have to come back to find out more.