Are you ready to take advantage of the 2022 Sales Tax Holiday. This week is Florida & Tennesee. Texas it is August 5-7, however, here is a list of all the states and their dates:

AL – Tax Holiday has passed (Jul 15-17)
AR – Aug 6-7 (no exemption limit)
FL – July 22 – Aug 8 (limited to $50 per item)
IL – Aug 5-14 (limited to $125 per item or less)
MA – Aug 13-14 (exemption limit includes all items > $2500 per item)
MO – Aug 5-7 (limited to $30 per item)
OH – Aug 5-7 (limited to $20 per item)
PR – Tax Holiday has passed (Jul 15-16)
SC – Aug 5-7 (no exemption limit)
TN – July 29-31 (limited to $100 per item)
TX – Aug 5-7 (limited to $100 per item)
VA – Aug 5-7 (limited to $20 per item)
WV – Aug 5-7 (limited to $50 per purchase item)

To those of you in Alabama and Puerto Rico, we apologize for the lateness of this information arriving to you.

Products that are eligible according to the statute include “items normally used by students in a standard classroom for educational purposes. To see the names of participating states, products exempted from tax, and sales tax holiday dates, click here.

eligible tax holiday products

Product List

Also available are the blends markers. Please note that you must place your order with Stampin’ Up! during the tax holiday period in order to receive these items tax-free (which is midnight on the first day to midnight on the last day of the tax holiday). Also, keep in mind that this is a state sales tax holiday; the state statute may not apply to county, city, and special jurisdiction taxes. 

Thank you again for stopping by to see what is happening at Red Daisy Crafts!

And, please if you are not on my email mailing list sign up for it while your are here and follow my Red Daisy Crafts Facebook Business Page or join Paper Pumpkin & Kit Hangout Facebook Group to get weekly inspiration from my Sunday Live.

I hope to see you here again real soon.